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Lighting the Throne Room

Lighting the Throne Room

It doesn’t matter if your ideal bathroom is a dreamy under-the-sea playground, a romantic spa, a wood-paneled sporting club or a clinically bright surgical room. The newest innovative lighting designs and fixtures are changing the way...
Teakwood Bathrooms: Benchmarks of Luxury Lifestyle

Teakwood Bathrooms: Benchmarks of Luxury Lifestyle

A house can be historic, but not your bathroom. Privy to our more intimate moments, bathrooms need pampering too. Most of us stumble into our bathrooms half asleep and half dressed in the morning, and when we leave it, we are awake, refreshed, clean, and ready. Behind...

Teakwood assists client with ice damming issue

When a Teakwood client recently reached out to us for a reference to assist him with resolving a serious ice damming issue on his home, Team Teak jumped into action. Kind words from our client to president/owner Jim Sasko: “Jim: I can’t thank you enough for...